Annual Home Coming Conference is being held in Houston, Missouri.
October 1,2,3, 2021
For information call 417-967-2011
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Meet Dr. Everett Ramsey, DD.
Biography of Dr. Everett Ramsey, DD

Faith Baptist Church and Dr. & Mrs. Ramsey
Parents and Birth
Everett Ramsey was born in 1939 to a Baptist Minister, Everett Leon Ramsey and his wife, May Glen (Hullender) Ramsey. Everett's only brother was born one year later.
May Ramsey died from cancer when Everett was four. Brother Ramsey's father was an older man and did not feel that he could care for Everett and his brother. Mr. Ramsey considered putting the two boys in a children's home, but one of May's sisters, Gladys, could not have children of her own, so, she and her husband took the boys to their home in Missouri and raised them. Gladys was married to Marvin Sileven and Everett used their last name for many years until he returned to his birth name.
Christian Upbringing and Conversion
While Marvin was not a Christian, Gladys was a devout Christian and withstood much resistance from her husband to see that the boys were in Sunday school and church every Sunday. She also read devotions at the breakfast table and prayed much. They attended the Methodist church in Raymondville, Missouri for his first six years because there was no Baptist Church in the town. The Methodist church preachers alternated between a Methodist and Baptist preacher. Everett came forward in an old fashioned Methodist revival and accepted the Lord when he was 9 years old. Gladys took him to the First Baptist Church in Houston, Missouri to be baptized and join the church.
Call To Ministry and Wife
Soon after that, the First Baptist Church started a mission church in Raymondville. Gladys, Everett and his brother became charter members. It would be at this church that Everett would surrender to preach the Gospel at age 16 and meet his wife Tressie Brown. After 56 years of marriage Tressie died and soon thereafter, Bro. Ramsey met his current wife Linda Nuttmann.
Brother Ramsey was among the top students in the Houston High School graduating with honors. He received a full scholarship to attend William Jewel Bible College, but was providentially hindered from attending.
Work, College, Training
Brother Ramsey and his wife moved to Springfield, Missouri where he worked, attended Southwest Missouri State College and pastored a church.
Brother Ramsey finished his business degree at Southern Illinois University and obtained his Master of Theology and Doctor of Ministry from Baptist Bible Seminary in Morgantown, KY. He also attended and received a Doctor of Divinity Degree from Hyles Anderson College. He received an honorary Doctor of Christian Literature from Freedom University in Orlando, Florida.
Brother Ramsey has pastored several Baptist churches in Southern Missouri and served as a Church planter with the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board for several years in South Dakota.
Blessing, Persecution, Enlarged Ministry
In 1974, Brother Ramsey was called to the Faith Baptist Church in Louisville, Nebraska. The church had 17 people their first Sunday, including the Ramsey family of four.

God blessed the church and work of Pastor Ramsey. The church grew to over 500 in a town of 1,000 residents, started a Christian School K-12, built a new building and owned two staff houses.
Brother & Mrs. Ramsey had three children: Tresa, who attended Hyles Anderson College and married a preacher boy; David, who also attended Hyles Anderson College, went on to computer programming and married a young Christian lady he met at Hammond Baptist High School; the third child, Michael, died soon after birth.
Christian School
While Pastor and Mrs. Ramsey's children were grown when Brother Ramsey accepted the church in Louisville, the church voted to start a Christian School. It was because of this school that the State of Nebraska backed by the State Teacher's Union launched a six year attack on the church to try and close the school. The church was padlocked on several occasions and the pastor, elders and fathers of the children were jailed on several occasions. The mothers had to flee the state to prevent the State from taking their children away. Thousands of pastors and laymen came to Louisville to stand against the State tyranny. This all made national news for several years and the Faith Baptist Church and Pastor Ramsey became known nationally.
For more information about why the church chose not to go with State certified Schools and teachers click the following links.
Government Public Schools
Lessons From Louisville
National Ministry
Dr. Ramsey appeared on such programs as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, CBS Morning News, Ted Kopple's Nightline and hundreds of radios and newspapers across America. Brother Ramsey was invited to preach in over 800 churches going to every State in the Union and several foreign countries. He was asked by the Reagan administration to testify several times before the Senate and the Congress along with men such as Dr. Greg Dixon, Dr. Robert McCurry, Dr. James Kennedy and others.
In 1984, the case was won and the battle ended giving a great victory to the whole nation for private and Christian education. This victory was a direct blessing from the Lord Jesus Christ for the obedience and faithfulness of the parents, the church and the Pastor. The church steadily grew during this time and there were no divisions among the people.
Run For Governor
In 1984 after this battle, Brother Ramsey was approached by many to run for Governor of the State of Nebraska, which he did. He raised more campaign funds than any other candidate and took a stand on many issues considered controversial by the press and the liberals. This created many enemies against Pastor Ramsey and unfortunately many of them were pastors and theologians, some even from among the ranks of his Baptist brethren. Pastor Ramsey lost the election, but did extremely well and was able to get an audience among many people to witness for our Lord. However, his enemies lingered and flooded the Internet and news papers with slanderous material that is not accurate, current or removable.
Full Time Evangelism
In 1986, Pastor Ramsey was gone from the church on many revivals, speaking engagements, camps, and other meetings, so he resigned and went into full time evangelism. Since that time Dr. Ramsey has published a newsletter, written several books and keeps preaching across America as much as health will permit.
If you would like to receive Dr. Ramsey's newsletter, please send us the information below. You will receive the newsletter as funds are available. To guarantee receipt of the newsletter, make donations as you can afford.
To receive Dr. Ramsey's Audio Commentaries of the Bible each month, the newsletter and special booklets, please click here for further information.
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